Sunday, October 17, 2010

Audit Reports and Findings

The CBAC is starting its review of the 2011 budget. As always, we hope that you, the good citizens of Plainfield, will make your voices heard. In the future we will be asking you questions, and posting updates. In the meantime, we are posting some background information for you to review.

The information is from Maria Pellum's blog, and we thank her for posting it.

Audit Corrective Action Plan 2009

Audit Report 2009

Audit Report 2008

Audit Report 2007


  1. Your report in 2010 left a lot to be desired. It seems too coordinated with the Council. Are you truly indipendednt?

    Also, I look at your presentation for 2010 and I look at page 11. How much of that is still true?

    Please, more substance. More honesty. Don't protect those who appoint you.

  2. Taxes are killing me and my family. When will you politicians learn that and stop the spending. Stop it. Just stop the spending.

    Don't give me fancy charts and all that stuff. Just stop the taxes from going up.
